Get Social and community support from Far North Abilities

Recreation and sports are the keys to Far North Abilities achieving its objective of supporting disabled people to achieve economic and social participation and independence. Social and community-related activities are part of the day to day life. Everybody likes to perform these activities for fun, contributing to their health and well-being. Through the medium of NDIS community support services, a person with a disability get a chance to improve their social skills and interact with new people. When we talk about the NDIS community support services, we indirectly talk about the extra help a person with a disability needs to participate in these activities.

What is included in our NDIS community support services?

  • Visiting your family and friends
  • Active hobbies such as skiing, kayaking or bike riding
  • Playing sports such as surfing, basketball or tennis
  • Going out to concerts or movies
  • Going out to places for fun, such as visiting museums or shopping
  • Relaxing like Yoga or meditation

With Far North Abilities, you only need to pay the cost of the activities that everyone needs to pay, like the entrance or membership fees. We will then support you with funds to participate in the activities because of your disability.